Menitoba PNP

How to get settled in Canada as an Entrepreneur?

If you are an Entrepreneur or HNI and want to get settled abroad with your dreams, then the PNP program of Manitoba can open enormous doorways for you to get settled in Canada with little effort. 


The Provincial Nominee program is an investor visa that permits Manitoba to nominate candidates who fulfill certain terms and conditions to apply for permanent residency. The program remains open for all entrepreneurs, investors, and HNIs from across the world to settle in Canada by either initiating a new business, purchasing, or sharing the partnership in the existing one. 


‘The Immigrators’ being efficient in its service strives to provide you the thorough assistance through the process of attaining permanent residency in Canada through the PNP of Manitoba

What is PNP Manitoba?

  1. The Provincial Nominee Program of Manitoba designed for especially Entrepreneurs is a fast-track route to getting well established in Canada by setting up some business. This program allows you to:


    • Settle in Canada permanently with your dependents. 
    • Get establishment of high standards and living.
    • Receive freedom to set up the business which adds up to the local economy. 
    • Own easy access to medication and education benefits. 
    • Get exemption and benefits of tax policies upon permanent residency. 

PNP Manitoba Requirements

To apply for the selection of the Provincial Nominee Program of Manitoba and to get nominated via the same, you are required to meet the following requirements: 


  • Have a strong commitment to establishing and running the business in Canada and getting settled in Manitoba.
  • Have relevant language and communication skills. 
  • Own or acquire settlement funds. 
  • Educational Credential Assessment for the acquired qualifications (only if you are applying through the Express Entry). 


Candidates scoring at least 60 points out of 100 in the assessment grid will be able to qualify for the PNP program. The 5 factors including age, adaptability, language proficiency, education, and work experience are the deciding factors in the generation of the points. The Manitoba PNP points calculator is the assistant to shortlisting the eligible candidates for the PNP program of Manitoba. 

Business Investor Stream

This is the stream under which Manitoba nominates qualified business investors and entrepreneurs and thereafter will carry forward the process of recruiting them. Applications are invited from all over the world with the firm aim to initiate or purchase the business in Manitoba. 


Under this stream, there are 2 pathways to get to the destination of establishing the business in Manitoba and owning permanent residency. 


  1. Entrepreneur Pathway – This pathway allows the businessman globally to get a settlement in Canada. Within 2 years of arriving in Canada on a temporary work permit, Manitoba is legal to recruit and nominate them. Applicants who want to establish a new business or purchase the existing one can now use this route without posting a $100000 deposit. 


Eligibility: The applicant must have-


  • Minimum Canadian high school diploma equivalent. 
  • Proficiency in the official language (minimum CLB/ NCLC 5).
  • Age between 25-49 years to get high ranking points (otherwise no age criteria). 
  • At least 3 years of full-time work experience in the last 5 previous years either as a successful business owner or in a senior management position. 
  • Minimum investment of $250000 and $150000 for the company located inside and outside of the Manitoba Capital region respectively. 
  • At least one job position for either a Canadian Citizen or permanent resident. 
  • Investments should proclaim as defined by the MPNP list of qualifying businesses.
  • In the case of a new business start-up, an active and stable business plan. 
  • The net worth of $500000.
  • A thorough study of knowledge on possible business investment or proposal during a business research tour. The Business Research Tour should be done within 1 year before the submission of EOI. 
  • Sign the Business Performance Agreement aka BPA after the approval of the application and before the grant of a letter of support by MPNP. 


  1. Farm Investor Pathway – Aspirants to settle in Canada with a prominent work experience, funds to invest, and a stable plan to build and maintain a farm operation in rural Manitoba can choose this pathway to fulfill their dream. 


Provided, under this, the applicants must start a farm business in rural areas of the region that produces primary products to add to the province’s farm industry. 


Eligibility – To be eligible to get settled in Canada, the applicant must have:


  • The official language proficiency in any of the two Canadian languages. (In the interview round of FIP, the conduction should be in either English or French).
  • Minimum 3 years of farm experience that includes either farm ownership, or operating experience accompanied by credible papers. 
  • To take travel to Manitoba for Business Research Visit. 
  • Enough funds to invest a minimum of $300000 for the rural areas’ farm establishments. 
  • A stable plan and analysis of the business. 
  • The net worth of at least $500000.
  • Firm aim to reside on the farm to engage in the running of thr farm regularly. 

PNP Manitoba Documents and Requirements

There are several documents required for the Provincial Nominee Program of Manitoba. The list of which is as follows:

What can we do for you?

The excellent team of ‘The Immigrators’ is expertise in the intricacies of Canadian Immigration and can help you to the core. The services provided by us to you to settle in Canada are:

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