Alberta PNP

Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program

Relocating to Canada at a faster pace may bring you into a position of confusion! The Canadian Provincial Nominee Program is the route way to get a PR and settle in the Canadian provinces and territories where they nominate the candidates on the basis of their eligibility. 


On a specific note, the PNP program differs from the Express Entry Program as it offers applicants owning a select PNP, an additional point of 600 CRS upon entering the Express Entry pool. However, most of the PNP programs have sent letters of interest to applicants with CRS scores under 400 as well. 


The Immigrators can assist you with a sure shit top-quality service to migrate to Canada with our firm support in Visa generation. 

Why Immigrate to Alberta?

  1. Alberta is one of the three Canadian Prairie Provinces sharing its northern and southern boundaries with Northwest territories and the US state of Montana respectively. Additionally, the Canadian provinces of Saskatchewan and British Columbia make the other two neighbors towards the east and west respectively. 


    The provincial capital of Alberta is Edmonton and other cities include Calgary, Grand Prairie, Lethbridge, Leduc, Red Deer, and St. Albert. 


    In recent years, Alberta has got on the top priority list of the immigrators to board overseas. People aiming to own Canadian Permanent Residence through the PNP get inclined toward Alberta for permanent settlement after being granted their Canada PR. 


    The ‘recent immigrant’ is the term given to an individual who had obtained a landed immigrant of permanent residency status in Canada within the duration of 5 years. According to the survey of the leading provider market and consumer data of Canada in 2021, there were almost 23,987 immigrants in Alberta. 


    Alberta immigration has proliferated in the recent few years and has become a much sought-after provincial immigration program for immigrants who want to establish stable settlements in Canada. The main reason for this could be given to the toms of job opportunities offered to the new immigrants. 


    Being part of the PNP Canada, this program of Alberta immigration is called the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program which is also abbreviated as AINP. Through this program, Alberta nominates individuals for permanent residence in Canada. AINP Canada is run by Alberta’s provincial government accompanying the federal government of Canada. 


    The individuals are required to own some specifically required skillset to be eligible and shortlisted for the nomination by Alberta so as to bridge the shortage of jobs within the province. Alternatively, planning on setting up or purchasing the business will also work. 


    In addition, the nominees should be capable enough to serve their families after relocating to Alberta along with fulfilling all the requirements of filling the gaps of the job at the same place. 


    The nominated candidate through the nomination program of Alberta is then eligible to apply for permanent residency in Canada along with the spouse and children. The AINP route to get permanent residency in Canada is simply a 2-step process: 


    • Getting the secured place via nomination through the provincial government.
    • Applying to immigration, refugees, and citizenship Canada (IRCC) for Canada PR. 


    Although the final decision on granting permanent residence is in the hands of IRCC. 

AINP Available Streams

Under this program, there are multiple stream available which are categorized as for the workers and for the entrepreneurs. 


  1. For the workers – For this category there are two streams as mentioned below: 

  • Alberta Oppurtunity Stream – This stream is for the one who are temporary workers and already a full-time worker in Alberta with a full-time job offer in any of the eligible occupation from an employer in Alberta.

Candidates having either positive Labpur Market Assesment (LMIA) or one of the accepted LMIA exemption work permits are eligible for this stream. 


  • Alberta Express Entry Stream – This stream via program is linked with the Canadian federal Express Entry system. There is no acceptance of the direct application and the candidates invited by the AINP are only supposed to go though the process. This mainly inculcates the candidates-


  • Having demonstrated strong ties to Alberta.
  • Who can aid the provincial government’s priorities for economic development and diversification. 
  • Who are international graduates from any Canadian post-secondary institutions. 


  1. For the entrepreneurs – Under this category, there are three main streams available for the aspirants.

  • International Graduate Entrepreneur Immigration Stream (IGEIS) – This category is mainly for qualified international graduates from Alberta post-secondary institutions that wish to establish or operate a business there. 
  • Self-Employed Farmer Stream – This stream are for all the neterprenurs who have the financial resources along with the farm management experience that could aid them in establishment or operation of a new farm or existing farm in Alberta.


For either case, a proposed plan is required to be presented along with the application for AINP Assessment. 

  • Foreign Graduate Start-up Visa Stream (FGSVS) – This stream is basically for the qualified foreign educated graduates outside Canada that aims at launching a start-up enterprises with the innovative and out-of-the-box outlet business within the province. 


On a highlighted note, the processing time of the Alberta PNP varies on each stream. There is a provision of nominating the candiates through the Alberta PNP program every year to crown for Canadian Pemrnent residency. 

AINP Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the Canadian Permanent Residency, candidates are required to fulfill some of the terms as mentioned:

Steps to apply for AINP

There are a few of the simple steps that are needed to be followed step-by-step. 


  • Check the portal for terms and conditions.
  • Review and re-read the AINP selection criteria along with the language testing requirements.
  • Download document checklist and complete the required application. 
  • Submit the application and look for the notification of its completion. 
  • After submission of your application, ensure to check the updates regularly. 
  • Asses the application and look for the decision by the system upon its selection. 


There were in total 2200 invitation in the draw od AINP 2022.

S. No. 

Date of Invitation

No. of Invittions issued 

CRS scores of lowesr ranked candidate 


5 January 2022




18 January 2022




01 February 2022




08 March 2022




22 March 2022




14 April 2022




19 May 2022




16 June 2022



What can we do for you?

‘The immigrators’ is inclined to work for its customers effortlessly. To get Canadian permanent residency through AINP it will:

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